Foodly Foodly.
The Ask - Remind South Carolinians that Piggly Wiggly has all the food you need to make you smile all summer long (that was actually what the brief said verbatim).
The Answer - This 360 campaign was based on a very simple device: PiggLY WiggLY -> FoodLY FoodLY. We ran happy happy, campy campy, foodLY foodLY TV, print, outdoor, and radio ads all summer long, until people started putting -LY suffixes after everything they ate.
[CD/CW – Henry Mathieu | AD – Justin Harris]
Won't Solve My Problem...
The Ask - Make weekly, 'Price & Item,' ads that people will want to watch on TV or listen to on the radio.
The Answer - Remind people that Piggly Wiggly's low-priced groceries won't solve all your problems, but they will save you money. Note, I wrote and directed these TV commercials.
[CD/CW/Director – Henry Mathieu | AD – Bob LaBarge + Jen Tarsio]
Odds & Ends.
If you scroll all the way down the page, you'll be rewarded with a ridiculous Thanksgiving TV commercial I wrote and directed, a couple of odd TV commercials featuring an English-to-English translator, and some bumper sticker designs you might recognize if you've ever spent any time in the South. If you still haven't had enough, go back to 'The Work,' click on the 'Radio' tile, and listen to some gripping Piggly Wiggly radio spots I wrote during my tenure at Rawle Murdy. Enjoy.